Kirby Place is a small residential neighborhood of 88 single family homes. The subdivision is located in Pasadena, Texas, but uses Seabrook as its postal origin. Homes began in the mid 1990's and the traditional brick homes have retained their appeal. Large, maturing oaks shade the streets and sidewalks.
Kirby Place HOA strives to maintain the high standards of the neighborhood. The Board of Directors meets quarterly (approx.) to conduct neighborhood business and also holds an annual meeting of property owners to discuss concerns about the neighborhood, approve the upcoming budget and hold elections.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, welcome to our community website. Feel free to explore the features available to the public on this site. If you are a resident of our community and would like access to the private side of the website, please register an account. Please allow time for an admin to review and verify your request.

News Articles
Homeowners in Bay Area Houston Concerned about rising home insurance.
Posted on Sep 3rd, 2024
Homeowners in Bay Area Houston Concerned about rising home insurance.
“Our premiums are too high. Our deductibles are out the roof. This is not sustainable.”
GET INVOLVED! Sept 17, 2024 Hearings in the Texas House
Your input to this hearing is needed! The Texas House State Affairs Committee will meet on Sept 17, 2024 at 9:00 AM in Austin to address the following:
Economic Challenges Impacting Insurance Premiums: Examine the impact of current economic challenges on the escalating costs of insurance premiums, including factors contributing to the withdrawal of insurance providers from certain markets. Investigate solutions to help Texans more easily and affordably obtain property and casualty insurance coverage. Evaluate long-term strategies for shifting from state-funded insurance programs to sustainable private market alternatives.
How can you participate:
Details on how you can participate in person or by sending comments can be found here (https://bayareahouston.us5.list-
Economic Challenges Impacting Insurance Premiums: Examine the impact of current economic challenges on the escalating costs of insurance premiums, including factors contributing to the withdrawal of insurance providers from certain markets. Investigate solutions to help Texans more easily and affordably obtain property and casualty insurance coverage. Evaluate long-term strategies for shifting from state-funded insurance programs to sustainable private market alternatives.
How can you participate:
Details on how you can participate in person or by sending comments can be found here (https://bayareahouston.us5.list-
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